In a thrilling development for fans of Eiichiro Oda’s creative universe, the one-shot manga “Monsters: Ippaku Sanjō Hiryū Jigoku” is gearing up for an anime adaptation titled “Monsters: 103 Mercies Dragon Damnation.”
Directed by Sunghoo Park and produced by E&H Production, the anime promises a captivating narrative centered around the legendary swordsman Ryuma from the Land of Wano in the One Piece universe, set several centuries before the present-day events.
The eagerly anticipated anime, announced on December 15, 2023, is scheduled to premiere worldwide on Netflix in January 2024. Notably, the adaptation will consist of a single episode, adding an element of uniqueness to the viewing experience.
The key visual for the “Monsters” anime adaptation provides a tantalizing glimpse into the world of Ryuma. Positioned at the center of the visual, Ryuma’s character is portrayed with a double exposure effect, offering both a close-up of his face and a dynamic shot of him engaged in a sword fight. The title “Monsters” takes a prominent place in the visual, surrounded by key deuteragonists Cyrano and a character with distinctive features.
Cyrano, sporting a Musketeer hat and a red-colored cape with a thin, curved mustache, bears a striking resemblance to Mihawk Dracule from the iconic One Piece series, further fueling fans’ anticipation for the upcoming anime.
Originating from Oda’s one-shot manga published in 1994 by Shueisha and featured in the collection “Wanted,” “Monsters” has already garnered attention with a voice comic adaptation in 2021. The upcoming anime adaptation, categorized as an original net animation, is poised to offer a unique prelude to the events of One Piece, exploring Ryuma’s legendary exploits.
The announcement of the anime adaptation “Monsters: 103 Mercies Dragon Damnation” has stirred excitement among fans, set to premiere on Netflix in January 2024. Directed by Sunghoo Park and produced by E&H Production, the one-episode anime will delve into the early tales of Ryuma, the legendary swordsman, adding a new dimension to the rich lore of the One Piece universe. Fans can’t wait to embark on this enthralling journey, discovering the untold stories that precede the adventures of their beloved characters.